RULES FOR PLAY                                                       8/6/2013


1. League play starts promptly at 7:00 (15 minute grace period). If a player is late their name is entered in the 4th player position. Late player has to be at the table before the 3rd player, 2nd round finishes their game If the 2nd round is over, then the late player forfeits all games.(16 points)

   a. If due to weather conditions you find it impossible to travel, you must first contact a league representative at Legends Sports Bar  243-4266  or  Silver Dollar 242-4440.


2. Team consists of no more than 10 players. Four players per night.


3. Player sanction fee can be reused during 1st 4 weeks of league play without paying $5.00 when dropping and adding a new player. After 4 weeks of play, you pay $5.00 for each new player even if they are using a dropped players sanction #.


4. No player can play on more than one team at the same time.


5. Teams are subject to a $10.00 fine for failure to drop off fees the night of play. The $10.00 may be collected from the team's payout at the end of the year. This will be enforced 100%.

  a. If a team is one player short all players will pay their own money.

  b. On a team forfeit, the team that does not show pays $32.00 for both teams.


6. The team captain must inform the league secretary of terminated players in order to add more than the allotted number of players. Players may be added when the roster drops below 10 players. Players may be added to official roster on the same night of play. Averages must be requested before 6:30p.m. on that night. Rosters are considered closed as of February 1st of the current year, unless OK'd by the board. You do not have to drop any players to add to your roster after Feb.1st  (YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD REASON TO ADD PLAYERS AFTER THE DEADLINE.)

  b. The visiting team captain shall bear full responsibility for legibility and deposit of league score sheets and league money of both teams on the  same evening of play. The visiting  team captain or acting captain will deposit them at the drop off location so designated for that purpose! (PARTIAL DEPOSITS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE)


7.CPBA members will be suspended or terminated for unsportsmanlike conduct at ANY CPBA event.. There will be an automatic 2 week suspension to any player for unsportsmanlike conduct or incidents pertaining to league play. The second violation may be an automatic dismissal from the league. During or after the game/play, physical or verbal threat. This applies from 6:00 p.m. - 3:00a.m.


  a. It is the team captain's responsibility to let the league officials know of any players 19-20 years of age. Players must be 19 years of age to play. Anyone not 21 years of age must show driver's license or birth certificate to an officer before they are allowed to play in league. Anyone caught abusing this rule is automatically dismissed from the league. Any minor in the league caught drinking alcohol on any night, in any league sponsored bar, is automatically dismissed from league.


 b. 18 year olds will be allowed to play with proof of High School Diploma

or GED equivalence.


  c. Some sponsors do not allow anyone under 21 in their place of  business.

  Make sure you have enough subs that are of age (21)


8. Upon request and approval of opposing captain, any team member may play

    their total amount of required games concurrently at the start of the match. This

    player MUST be put in the first position of that team's line-up.

    If that person does not leave before the end of the next two games, they forfeit

    all points won, plus 16 pts.                                                                                                                              Page 1


9. League has right to screen sponsor's tables for play.


10. Team will pay $5.00 fine for not being represented at a required meeting.                                       


11. If any team is dissolved, players may join other teams in this league after making a definite effort to keep team together and with approval of the board.


   a. If any team drops, another new team may join the already established league and resume a record equivalent to the team it's replacing, and be able to make-up games not played by dropped team.


12. A team may move to another sponsor with the same league standing (wins/losses/points) and the same individual standings, with the approval of the board.


13. ALL MVP wards: Player must play 75% of total weeks. This includes all byes and forfeits. Based on a 28 week schedule, player must play 21 weeks.




1. Entire cue ball must be in the kitchen (behind the headstring) on the break shot and scratch shot.


2. Official or designated foul caller must protest positioning of the ball prior to the break and/or scratch shot or the shot is a legal shot.


3. LEGAL BREAK SHOT (defined) To execute a legal break, the break(with cueball behind the head string) must either (1) pocket a ball, or (2) drive at least four numbered balls to the rail. If player fails to make a legal break, it is a foul, and the incoming player has the option of (1) accepting the table in position and shooting, or (2) having the balls reracked and having the option of shooting the opening break themselves or allowing the original player to rebreak. On the opening break, the game is considered to have commenced once the cueball has been struck by the cue tip and the cueball passes over the head string. You must break the rack with hard force!


4. League Secretary, after proofreading score sheets, has the right to notify any team about use of illegal players. Upon request, the match will be considered a forfeit by illegal team.


5. BREAKS- 1st & 3rd rounds- Visiting team breaks

                      2nd & 4th rounds- Home team breaks


6. If a player, after playing 1st game, is not there for their 2nd game they lose 4 pts. If they do not show up for 3rd game, they lose 4 pts for 3rd and 4th round. If any player is not there for last game only, they lose 9 pts.

 a. If an emergency occurs on the last game, contact a board member.


7. One score sheet will be designated as the official score sheet with the other crossed through, but BOTH score sheets must be turned in.

ALL SCORE SHEETS MUST BE COMPLETED AND ACCURATE IN EVERY DETAIL. A CHARGE OF $5.00 WILL BE ASSESSED TO CORRECT ERRORS on official sheet or if the second sheet is missing. It is the visiting team's responsibility to make sure BOTH sheets are correct. UNLESS BOTH SHEETS ARE SO BAD, THEN BOTH TEAMS WILL

BE FINED!!!!!!


8. Balls falling into pocket on their own have to be respotted to the position they held, including the eight ball. (Management pays)


9. Teams not playing on regular night of play must have approval from the Board, before making up missed match, you must notify sponsor. You have one week to make up the match.


10. Any game played out of order stands, as long as it's not your 2nd time playing the same player. Score is marked in correct spot.

     a. If wrong player breaks and the rack is broken, it stands as is!

       (SNOOZE YOU LOSE)                                                                                                                             Page 2


11. SPLIT HITS: If the cueball strikes a legal object ball and a non-legal object ball at approximately the same instant, and it cannot be determined which ball was hit first, the judgment goes in favor of the shooter.


  a. If there is going to be a close call (on a push or split hit) get someone neutral that both captains agree on to make the call. This is to help new players that are not experienced at calling fouls, or players that don't want to make the close calls. Neutral caller's decision is final.


12. Only team captains, or co-captain and foul caller can call coaching and harassment  fouls. Foul caller calls all other fouls.


   a. Foul callers for each team must be on the team's roster. (Violations of this rule shall be treated as coaching) They do not have to be playing that night.


   b. Men’s AA & A-divisions will call their own fouls. Unless opposing player agrees to different foul caller. MUST have a good reason not to disallow.


   c. Foul caller should position themselves so that unobstructed view of the play is assured without interfering with the shooter. Fouls are as follows: CUEBALL fouls only, not hitting object balls, not driving ball to a rail, scratching and etc. PLAYER has the right to ask the foul caller or a player to move.


13. A closed table is when a stripe or a solid has been pocketed by a legal shot. Whenever solids or strips are pocketed unevenly on the break shot, the table is open.


    a. OPEN BREAK: Open break means you still have an open table, even if you make one ball (stripe or solid) on break.


    b. EIGHT BALL ON BREAK: If an eight ball is pocketed on the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the eight ball spotted, and continue shooting.  If the breaker scratches while pocketing the eight ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the eight ball spotted and begin play with ball in hand behind the headstring. The table is open.


14. If the table is open, all balls are neutral, including the 8-ball.


15. You must use CPBA approved –Red Circle cue ball. If BOTH teams agree, a “Valley Cougar” maybe used.


     a. Sponsor shall provide at least one bridge; object balls shall be of good quality.





1. Causing any object ball to leave the table, in which case, the object ball leaving the table is spotted, ( this does not include the eight ball)


2. You must call ALL combinations and bank shots, (only have to call ball to be made) Foul callers must pay close attention.


3. Player must have at least 1 foot on the floor at all times while shooting.





1. A scratch on the break. Player has cueball in hand in kitchen and must shoot an object ball that is outside of kitchen area. If player has cueball in kitchen and shoots an object ball that is in kitchen, automatic foul, ball in hand. The object ball will be respotted where it was, at the opposing player's discretion.


  a. If object ball is close to the line, it is the foul caller's responsibility to verify with shooter whether object ball is completely outside headstring and cueball is completely inside headstring.                                          Page 3




 b. If cueball is obviously placed outside of kitchen area (example, down the table) no warning is necessary. If shot is executed, it is a foul ball in hand. If the object ball is pocketed, it will be respotted where it was, at the opposing player's discretion.


2. Cueball leaving the table is considered a scratch. Leaving the table means knocking the ball, generally on the floor or causing the ball to rest on a surface other than the playing surface.


3. Positioning of cueball with any part of the cue, after the break. It must be with the hand.


4. Jumping cueball over another ball by scooping cueball below center, causing a lifting action.


5.A push shot is legal, only when object ball and cueball are frozen.


  a. If the cueball is close, but not frozen to the object ball, opposing foul caller must inform player. You must hit cueball in a way that the cueball does not follow the object ball like a shadow, and at the same speed. If this has happened, you have double hit the cueball, and it is a foul.


  b. Also see rule 11.a under PLAY


6. Player must hit their own object ball first. This is considered a no hit foul.


7. Scratching is an automatic foul. Foul caller does not have to call it.


8. A player can foul only once per shot.


9. A player must take all shots with complete cue. You cannot use the shaft only.


10. Any foul will result in loss of turn.


11. If any player does not yield to foul, the opposing captain or co-captain can protest the game and that player may be suspended for unsportsmanlike conduct. Please call Legends at 243-4266 or Silver Dollar 242-4440 and ask for an officer of the league. Call when it happens, not after the match is over.


12.OBJECT BALL FROZEN TO CUSHION OR RAIL:  This rule applies to any shot where the cue ball's first contact with a object ball that is frozen to a cushion or to the cueball itself. After the cueball makes contact with the frozen object ball, the shot must result in either (1) a ball being pocketed (2) the cueball contacting a cushion  (3) the frozen ball being caused to contact a cushion attached to a separate rail or (4) another object ball being caused to contact a cushion with which it is not already in contact. Failure to execute

one of these four requirements is a foul.


  a. A ball which is touching a cushion at the start of a shot and then if forced into a cushion attached to the same rail is not considered to have been driven to that cushion unless it leaves the cushion, contacts another ball, and then contacts the cushion again.


  b. An object ball is not considered frozen to a cushion unless it is examined

and announced as being frozen prior to the shot.                                                                                     Page 4



















13. Coaching foul is loss of turn, BALL IN HAND. This also applies any person sitting with the team at their table.


14. NO 14-1 breaks allowed


    a. On a 14-1 break, opponent has the option to either

        1. Have the balls reracked and break themselves.

        2. Leave the object balls as is and take ball in hand.









   It is not a foul to accidentally touch stationary balls. If such an accident occurs, the player will allow the opposing shooter to restore the object balls to their correct positions. If the player does not allow such a restoration, and a ball is set in motion as a normal part of the shot touches such an unrestored ball, or passed partly into a region originally occupied by a disturbed ball, the shot is a foul. In short, if the accident has any effect on the outcome of the shot, it is a foul.                                                                                                                                     Page 5





a.      At the non shooting player’s option, the disturbed balls can be left in their new positions. In the case, the balls are considered restored, and subsequent contact on them is not a foul.


 b. It is still a foul to make any contact with the cueball what so ever while it is in play, except for the normal tip-to-ball contact during a shot.                                         








1. Causing the eight ball to leave the playing surface, coming to rest somewhere

 other than the playing surface. Unless the eight ball falls into a pocket on it's

 own without being touched.


2. Eight ball being pocketed before your last object ball has been pocketed. Eight ball may not be pocketed simultaneously with other object ball shot.


3. Pocketing the eight ball and scratching. If the eight ball is not pocketed and the cueball scratches, this is not lose of game.


4. Pocketing the eight ball in the wrong pocket.


5.When a player makes an intentional foul, such as raking balls on the table with hand or cue, this will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct, and will result in lose of game. This will be an automatic loss of  9 points! Also see Rules of Play #7.




1. 2 points for the eight ball and 1 point for each of the opponent's balls left on the table.


2.Any player not present when match starts must be in the last position. NO EXCEPTIONS!  If you do not notify opposing captain of player not being here and they are not put in 4th position, opposing team has the choice before the start of the 2nd round of changing 4th player with another.


3. If notified that 4th player is not present, 4th position on score sheet can be left blank till the end of the 1st round. It then must be filled in with either a players name or forfeit. Figure average at this point on 3 players. End of 2nd round and their 4th player they put in the 4th position is still a No-show, STOP, 4th position is now considered a forfeit and you must refigure averages before you start 3rd round.


  a. This will apply to tournaments also.


4. Team receives 4 points per round-4 rounds-16pts. Individual receiving or giving 16 points for a blank, use card # 0000. Both players.


5. Team forfeits

   Winning team- gets win
   Losing team- gets loss plus pays for both teams


   a. Winning team must turn in both sheets the night of play and losing team must pay $32.00 by the next night of play or be fined.                                                                                                                                              Page 6


   b. Any division that has a bye, team must turn in sheet and $16.00 the night of play. If you wish to, you may pay your money the week before the bye. Make sure you list the players on the score sheet that would have played.


6. If two teams are tied at the end of the year on the wins and losses, it then goes to offensive average minus defensive average. Highest difference wins. (Same as players)


7.When the shooter has an open table and the eight ball is pocketed out of turn, the opposing player receives highest # of points left on the table + 2 points for the 8-Ball.



1. The handicap is computed by subtracting the two teams accumulated offensive individual average from the most recent printout. The difference is awarded to the team with the lower average. New players averages will be based on known ability or past information( past records). Board of Directors has the right to adjust averages on new players.

 a. Handicap cannot be changed after 3rd round has started.


2. If the match is tied at the end of play, two players will shoot off for the match. Mark winner on the score sheet. Only players that played that night can shoot the playoff game. Player or team does not get credit for points or games. Team just gets win or loss of match.


3. To find Handicap, use player’s individual offense average.

Step 1. Add players (present that night) offensive average.

Step 2. Multiply by four.

Step 3. Subtract lower from higher average.

Step 4. Round off; Difference is the amount of handicap.




Bob......2.530              Roger....2.250                37.800

Jim.......3.410              Tom......2.000               -33.484

Art.......1.500              Mike.....2.255               _______

Jerry....2.000              Ron.......1.866                  4.316


             9.450                            8.371    Round off: 4 pts

                  x4                                 x4

            37.800                         33.484                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4. There is no average figured for a blank.

a. Example of team playing with 3 players.


Team with 4 players       Team with 3 players                  26.604

Mary......2.652                Cathy..........…2.861                   -23.920

Jane.......1.826                Shirley...........2.137                    ______

Sue.........3.061                Bonnie..............982                       2.684


               8.868                                       5.980       Round off: 3 pts

                       x   3                                        x    4

             26.604                                      23.920


5.  a. Men: Will use last year’s averages (7 weeks of play is required to establish an average from the previous year) for the 1st full round of play in each division. 8 team div. would use for first 7 weeks, 10 team div. would use for first 9 weeks, etc. Handicap starts 1st week of play. Use last year’s averages till each player has played the required # of weeks, establishing their new average.                     New players: see rule 1 above!!

    b. Women:  Will use their 3 year average.  If the size of their division goes to 12 or more teams, they will use new average after each player has played 7 weeks. Other wise your new average will be done like the men above.



                                                                                                  Page 7




1.  Must be in writing within 24 hours with a $25.00 deposit. The team losing the protest will be assessed $25.00. The deposit will be returned if the protest is upheld.


2. The match must be completed, in spite of the fact that it is being protested. You must notify opposing captain that there could be a protest. This must be done at that point of the match! If you don't make an attempt to contact an officer, it will be considered a no protest. Most situations can be decided over the phone. Don't wait, CALL!


3. Only the team captain can file a protest, or acting captain in his absence.


4. Protest is determined by the decision of the Rules/Bylaws committee.


5. If any match is in dispute on a call, you must get a hold of one of the officers at that point of the match. Call 243-4266. Please use this rule or you have no protest!


a. Any disputes call    Jim Fecke - President - 815-297-3373    /   John Hall - Men’s Rep. -  563-212-4182           Kathy Christiansen - Women’s Rep. - 563-357-8620    /    David Holmes - 563-243-4266 or 563-321-8435                                                         


IF ALL PLAYERS WOULD READ THE RULE BOOK & GO TO THE                                                          



Example of player forfeit ( Below )







   Page 8



Example of team forfeit